Designed for Your Industry

Regardless of your industry, ClocksApp will automate your workforce allowing you to spend time on things that matter in business.

Regardless of your industry, ClocksApp will automate your workforce allowing you to spend time on things that matter in business.

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ClocksApp by Industry

Animation video explaining ClocksApp at a glance

Read more about our retail & fashion store customers using our services

Retail & Fashion Stores

ClocksApp offers practical tools designed specifically for retail and fashion stores. Capture clock in/out times; see who was late, who finished early and who didn't show up.
Retail & Fashion Stores
Read more about our cafe & restaurant customers using our services

Cafes & Restaurants

Save time scheduling employees for your busy hospitality business; ClocksApp makes it easy to find a replacement employee if someone calls in sick at the last minute.
Cafes & Restaurants
Read more about our office customers using our services

Offices & Staffing

Our HR workforce management software was specifically designed for offices with full-time and roster staff such as: real estate offices, playgrounds, child care, tobacconists and many more.
Offices & Staffing

See who's online, who was late & who didn't show up

Visually see who’s working, who started late, approve and adjust times according to roster. With ClocksApp, you can trust staff to clock in on time, no matter where they are.


Cloud-Based Software Solution

ClocksApp is based on innovative cloud-based technology, making it available for you to access real-time information anywhere via mobile, tablet or a web browser. It's perfect for retailers and busy restaurants.

GPS Enabled Clockins

Track, in real-time, the movement of your employees with our free iOS & Android application for mobile. This great tool is perfect for your employees and reps that are on the move all the time.